Ensuring Parents Have a Chance to Spend Time with Their Children
If a judge recently made a decision on your child custody case, you may be ready to move on to the issue of visitation. This refers to the time the non-primary residential parent can spend with their child.
If you’re worried you won’t get sufficient time with your child or if you and your former spouse can’t agree on a visitation schedule, it’s time to talk to Nashville child visitation lawyers. Call Brighter Day℠ Law for legal guidance through your visitation case.
What Are Common Visitation Schedules in Tennessee?
During your Nashville child visitation case, you and your former spouse are expected to determine a visitation schedule that is suitable for both parties. It’s often easiest to set up a regular schedule that stays roughly the same throughout the year.
An example of a standard visitation schedule is when the non-custodial parent sees the child every other weekend during the school year, as well as two weeks in the summer. Many parents alternate which holidays they see the children on so that both parents get a chance to celebrate with them. This type of schedule means the non-primary residential parent visits with the child about 80 days per year.
While this is the most common visitation schedule, it doesn’t have to be yours. You and your ex-spouse can create a plan that works for both of you, which might depend on your work schedules and your child’s educational and extracurricular activities. If you need help creating a visitation schedule that you can agree on, contact our Nashville law firm.
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How Are Visitation Rights Determined?
In some cases, the main problem is bigger than simply working out a schedule, as the primary residential parent might try to keep the other parent from seeing the child at all. If this is your situation as the non-custodial parent, and you’re worried a judge will limit your visitation time, we’ll fight for your parenting rights.
First, it’s important to understand how visitation rights are determined. Much like child custody cases, visitation is decided based on the child’s best interests. This means a judge will look at your bond with your child, as well as your ability to care for them during your visitation time.
In addition, the judge will consider how much time you can spend with your child. For instance, if you work every weekend and your child would be supervised by a babysitter or relative rather than you, the judge is unlikely to grant you visitation time on weekends. Your child visitation lawyer will ensure it’s clear to the court that you’re able to care for your child during your requested visitation days.
Finally, the judge will ensure your child is safe in your care. If you have a history of domestic abuse, alcoholism, drug problems, or other unsafe or criminal behaviors, your visitation time may be denied or at least supervised by a third party. Talk to an experienced lawyer if you’re worried about this outcome.
Does Child Support Affect Visitation?
If you’re behind on child support or are aware that the custodial parent is not satisfied with the amount you pay, you might wonder if this will reduce your visitation time. The answer is no, as the courts don’t allow child support to influence visitation.
If the custodial parent has threatened to withhold the child from you due to child support issues, let your family law attorney know. They might decide you should file a petition for contempt of a court order, which can result in fines and even jail time for the other parent if they don’t allow you to see your child.
Of course, you’ll face other consequences for not paying child support, so paying it as ordered is important. If you’re having trouble affording it, tell your Nashville family law attorney so you can learn your legal options.
Contact Us Today At 615-437-8808 To Get Quality Legal Representation For Your Family Matter in Tennessee.
Do You Need to Talk to Child Visitation Lawyers in Nashville, TN?
At Brighter Day℠ Law, we can help with a variety of family law issues, from child custody and visitation cases to child support enforcement and modification. We understand how difficult it is to deal with issues related to your children after a divorce, so we’re happy to offer you a compassionate attitude and sound legal advice.
If you’re struggling with child visitation issues, it’s time to hire a lawyer who has helped numerous clients through cases like yours. Call our Nashville, TN law firm at (615) 437-8808 to schedule your free initial consultation today.