Guiding Military Families Through Family Law Issues
While any divorce can be complicated, military divorce cases are often even more so because of the many regulations that apply to them. This is why you must hire a military divorce lawyer if you or your spouse are in the armed forces and want to end your marriage.
The legal team at Brighter Day℠ Law is equipped to handle any family law issues that may arise during your military divorce in Nashville, TN. Contact our law office if you have questions or concerns about how to proceed with your divorce case.
What Makes Military Divorce Different from Civilian Divorce?
You shouldn’t choose just any divorce lawyer to handle your military divorce case. You need the guidance of a lawyer who is aware of the rights and regulations surrounding military divorces.
One example that makes military divorce different from civilian divorce is how adultery is treated. In a military divorce, adultery is treated as a crime that could have major consequences, so a divorce lawyer must take this into consideration when applicable.
It’s also important for your lawyer to know that federal law allows certain military benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans, to be divided between spouses during divorce. Additionally, experienced military divorce lawyers know how to handle issues involving military housing, ID cards, and other issues unique to military divorce cases. At Brighter Day℠ Law, we regularly help military families through the legal challenges of the divorce process, so contact us today.
Is It Difficult To Initiate a Military Divorce?
Certain complications of military divorce are apparent from the start of the case, as military involvement can make it difficult to file and serve divorce papers. This is especially the case if the military spouse is away from home. After all, the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act states that divorce can be postponed if an active-duty service member is deployed or out of the state for military training.
Even when they return home, they can continue to postpone the divorce proceedings for a few more months. This means it may not be possible to get a quick divorce if you or your spouse are in the Air Force, Army, Navy, Coast Guard, or Marines. A Nashville military divorce attorney can guide you through the process of initiating divorce if your spouse is not close to home.
Another challenge is determining which state you and your spouse are residents of, which will affect which state’s divorce laws apply to your case. If you haven’t been stationed somewhere for a very long time, it may be difficult to know if you meet the residency requirements for initiating a divorce there. A family law attorney with knowledge of the military divorce process will review your circumstances to decide which state’s laws will preside over your case.
Contact Us Today At 615-437-8808 To Get Quality Legal Representation For Your Family Matter in Tennessee.
How Are Family Law Issues Handled in a Military Divorce?
The laws that apply to divorce cases for civilian families don’t always apply to those involving military members, so family law issues are handled differently. For example, figuring out property division and alimony is complicated because service members get benefits beyond regular income. A military divorce attorney needs to know how to identify these benefits so they can be divided between the military and non-military spouse.
They also need to know about regulations like the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act, which states that certain benefits, like pensions, are handled as property rather than income. This comes into play when dividing marital property.
Child custody and child support are also complicated matters within military divorce cases. After all, a military member stationed far away from their children or deployed to another country can’t spend the same time with them as a civilian spouse would. These issues require advice from a lawyer who has helped many men and women in the military service with spousal separation and divorce problems.
How Can Military Divorce Lawyers in Nashville, TN Help You?
You deserve legal guidance from a caring team that has handled cases like yours for years. At our Nashville law firm, our lawyers understand the intricacies of divorce cases involving military spouses, so you can count on us to review every family law issue in your case to ensure you have a chance at a fair outcome.
If you’re ready to get help with your military divorce, call us at (615) 437-8808. We’ll give you a free initial consultation so you can ask any questions you have before getting started on the dissolution of your marriage with our help.