Colorado Springs, CO Child Support Lawyers Giving Legal Guidance on Parental Financial Obligations
If you’re going through a divorce and have children, one of the most critical family law matters to figure out is child support. You will need to know whether you will be the parent collecting or paying child support and how much the total will be. A Colorado Springs child support lawyer can help you through this process.
When you come to Brighter Day℠ Law for legal assistance, a skilled child support attorney will give you the answers you need during your family law case. We stay current on the most recent Colorado child support guidelines so you have accurate information on child support matters in this area. Contact our law firm for a free consultation.
What Should You Know About Child Support in Colorado Springs?
Both parents must contribute financially to their child’s upbringing, which is why child support is necessary after divorce. In most cases, the non-custodial parent must pay child support to the custodial parent who takes care of the child most of the time. However, child support payments may be expected even if both parents share parental responsibilities, usually when one parent’s income is higher than the other.
The point of child support is to provide financial support for all expenses related to raising the child. These might include:
- Clothing
- Food
- Education
- Health insurance costs
- Mortgage or rent
- Utilities
Colorado child support law states that child support payments must continue until the child is 19 years old, not 18 like in some states. There are some exceptions, as payments might continue past age 19 if the child is disabled or stop before age 19 if the child gets married or joins the military. A Colorado Springs child support lawyer will tell you how long to expect child support obligations to continue, so contact our law office to speak to our team.
How Is Child Support Determined?
The family law court in Colorado considers a few factors when calculating child support, with the main one being each parent’s income. A judge will consider these factors before issuing a child support order:
- The financial resources of each parent
- The financial needs of the custodial parent
- The child’s emotional and physical condition
- The standard of living the child would have had if the parents had stayed together
- Any additional expenses the child has, such as medical insurance, daycare expenses, or tuition
It’s usually best for the two parents to work together on an amount that seems fair, as agreeing outside of court can help child support cases progress quickly. However, a judge must approve the amount so it adheres to the court’s child support guideline and is in the child’s best interests. Your Colorado Springs child support attorney will help calculate an amount of financial support that’s fair to the children and divorcing parents. Call our Colorado law office to discuss your case with family law attorneys.
Can You Modify Child Support?
It is possible to modify child support orders in Colorado. After all, financial situations can change over time, so sometimes the paying parent needs to reduce the child support they pay or the other parent needs to increase it. Either way, it’s important to request a child support modification to get a new court order rather than stopping payments without warning.
You must prove one of the following to change the child support order:
- One parent’s financial resources have drastically decreased
- One parent’s expenses have increased, such as after a new baby
- The child’s expenses have increased
- The child no longer lives with the parent seeking child support
- The parenting time schedule has changed
An El Paso County family law attorney can help collect the evidence you need to request a modified amount of child support. Call our Colorado law firm to schedule your free consultation with a family law attorney.
Get Advice From An Experienced Child Support Lawyer. All You Have To Do Is Call 719-733-9129 or Fill Out Our Case Evaluation Form.
How Can Child Support Lawyers in Colorado Springs, CO Help You?
When you need the help of a Colorado child support lawyer, come to Brighter Day℠ Law. Our attorneys have been practicing law for years in various practice areas centering on common issues after divorce or legal separation. So, if you need legal advice on child support enforcement, spousal maintenance, child custody, or similar issues, we can help.
Our team can assist parents while considering the child’s well-being in every case. No matter what issues you’re having with your ex-spouse, we aim to provide a solution that works for you and your children. If you’re ready to discuss your legal issues with compassionate attorneys, call us at (719) 733-9129 to schedule a free consultation.
Contact Us Today At 719-733-9129 To Get Quality Legal Representation For Your Child Support Matter.