Brighter Day Law’s Appellate Attorney for the Court of Appeals and Colorado Supreme Court Handles Cases in El Paso County, Teller County, Pueblo County, and Throughout Colorado
At Brighter Day℠ Law, facing an unfavorable court decision can be disheartening, but it doesn’t have to end your legal journey. Based in the heart of Colorado Springs, CO, our team of seasoned appeals lawyers stands ready to guide you through the complexities of the appellate process. With our deep understanding of appellate law and a steadfast commitment to justice, we’re here to offer you the chance to turn the tide in your case. When you entrust us with your appeal, you’re not just gaining an attorney – you’re gaining an ally who believes in second chances and is determined to pursue the best possible outcome with vigor and unparalleled compassion.
Brighter Day Law’s legal team has the experience and legal know-how to handle your case. This covers handling every aspect of your case, from the initial filing of a claim, case, or petition until the final resolution or determination of the court is established. It also includes appeal cases. Our Colorado appeals lawyer can help you file an appeal or defend against an appeal in a case in which you are implicated or involved.
With an experienced appellate attorney for the Court of Appeals and Colorado Supreme Court on our team, we strive to arrive at the most acceptable outcome for your case. Contact us today to schedule a case evaluation and to speak with one of our knowledgeable attorneys about your legal rights and options.
What Does a Colorado Appeals Lawyer Do?
A Colorado appellate lawyer – or, in the case of Brighter Day℠ Law, our appellate attorney for the Court of Appeals and Colorado Supreme Court – is responsible for refiling or repetitioning for a case to be opened in and looked at by a higher court after a lower court already decided for that case. Which court the new appealed case ends up in depends on where the initial case originated or was opened. In Colorado, appeal cases typically go first to a state district court in the same county as the original court, or they can be filed in the Colorado Court of Appeals. A final appeal may be filed with the Colorado Supreme Court.
Our Colorado Appeals Lawyer Can Help You Prove That You Are Legally Entitled to an Appeal
A common question faced by Brighter Day℠ Law’s appellate attorney for the Court of Appeals and Colorado Supreme Court is when, why, and under what circumstances an appeal can be filed. It is important to understand that a case that you lost in a lower court cannot be appealed, reopened, and submitted to a higher court in the hopes of receiving a more favorable result just because you did not like the decision of the lower court. You need recognized legal grounds to object to, contest, appeal, and refile your case with a higher court.
Furthermore, the legal grounds you use to appeal your case must also be substantial enough to have had a provable impact on the result of your case. This means that errors made by your legal team and other incidental mistakes may not – at least on their own – qualify you for filing an appeal.
With this in mind, an appellate attorney for the Court of Appeals and Colorado Supreme Court with Brighter Day Law can appeal a case on your behalf if a lower court adjudicated on a case that had or involved:
- Legal or factual misunderstandings of the evidence provided during the case;
- Procedural or legal mistakes, including actions that qualify as being illegal, such as the suppression of evidence;
- Any violations of the rights of a party involved in the case;
- Sentences or orders meted out by the court that are not commensurate to the severity of the case.
Filing an appeal when it is inappropriate to do so or without the right proof or legal justifications is a waste of valuable time and resources – both for you and your legal team. Speak with our Colorado appeals lawyer today to learn more about your legal options for your case. Our appellate attorney for the Court of Appeals and Colorado Supreme Court will review your case and will help you decide on the best course of action given the specifics of your case.
Our Colorado Appeals Lawyer Can Handle All Court Determinations
Irrespective of the nature of your case and how it was handled, we can review your case and help determine if you have the grounds needed to file an appeal.
Once filed and pursued, an appeal can end in several different ways. These include:
- A reaffirmation of the finding of the lower court, in which case another appeal to a higher court may be required;
- Your appeal results in a change from the ruling of the lower court;
- Your appeal leads to a dismissal of the case on legal grounds;
- Your case is sent back to the original court so that additional steps and proceedings can be completed.
When cases are revisited by a higher court via an appeal, only the evidence that was put forth in the original case can be used. The main differences between the original and the appealed case come down to how the case evidence is presented and which legal arguments are made based on that evidence. Also, your appellate attorney for the Court of Appeals and Colorado Supreme Court with Brighter Day Law will avoid the factual and/or legal errors that led to the original court’s ruling that necessitated an appeal in the first place.
To learn more, contact the Colorado appeals lawyer with Brighter DaySM Law to schedule a case evaluation today. Our appellate attorney for the Court of Appeals and Colorado Supreme Court will review your case and arrive at a determination on how to appeal your case if you have the legal grounds for doing so.