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What Should I Do Before Filing For Divorce In Colorado? May 16, 2022


If you are filing for divorce in Colorado, either you or your spouse must have been an inhabitant for at least 3 months before the start of the divorce procedures. However, you should have shown the intention of making Colorado a permanent home to be able to file for divorce in the state. If you produce an income tax return document it would prove your intention of being a permanent resident. Here are a few things our dedicated divorce lawyers in Colorado recommend you should do before filing for divorce.

Be Very Sure About Getting a Divorce

The truth of the matter is that getting a divorce is a result of a decision. Whether it is a husband or a wife filing for it, it all comes down to a decision. It’s always wise not to make a decision when you are emotional. Therefore, you should take a moment and ask whether this is what you want, considering the consequences that come after filing for divorce.

Make sure that you have tried all the possible avenues to reconcile with your spouse before making the big decision. In the same vein, you should think about the grounds for divorce. In the state of Colorado, the law only allows divorce in the event of irreconcilable differences. If you have exhausted all possible solutions and you are certainly sure about it, then you can go ahead and file for one.

Consider Hiring a Highly Qualified Divorce Attorney


Filing for divorce means that you will have to go to court and appear before a judge. This is a legal process that will need you to hire a good attorney. Navigating through a legal process deems it necessary for you to work with someone who understands it very well. Similarly, you will need a clear interpretation of specific laws concerning divorce. That is why you have to find a highly qualified divorce attorney to help you go through the process well. As you look for a legal representative, search for one who will facilitate a quicker settlement, but also one who will be capable of fighting for you in a court of law.

Protect your Joint Financial Accounts

Before you file for a divorce, you should be certain that your joint financial accounts are in order. By being in order it means that you have to protect your interest. By the time you file for divorce, it’s clear that you are not on good terms with your spouse. For this reason, your spouse can decide to access your joint accounts without your knowledge and withdraw the whole or a huge amount of your joint finances.

In most cases, this is a result of anger. Therefore, to protect yourself, you can choose to discuss it with your attorney. If you are suspecting that your spouse can withdraw all the money in your joint accounts, it’s wise for you to take half of the amount and deposit it in a separate account in your name. Be sure to account for every amount you will spend because you will have to account for it before a court of law.

Calculate your Post-Divorce Budget

After the divorce, life will have to move on. But how will it move on? Certainly, there will be major changes that will take place after the divorce, especially in terms of finances. That is why you will need to think about your expenses once you are legally divorced from your spouse. Calculate your expenses carefully. How will your income be? How will the income of your spouse be? If you will need any financial support after your divorce, you will need to agree with your spouse on how that will be done.

If you fail to agree on this, the law of the state of Colorado has a way of handling the situation. Usually, the higher-earning spouse is the one who takes care of the other’s maintenance. If for whatever reason, the financial support will be long-term, then the needy spouse has to prove financial incapacity or the inability to find a job after the divorce.

Ensure That You Have All the Necessary Financial Documents

Documents are vital in divorce cases. Before you embark on the journey of filing for divorce, it’s prudent for you to make sure that you have all the necessary documentation. Talk to your attorney to guide you on this one. You will be guided, accordingly, on the documents, you should have for your case to move on well. One of the documents that you will need to have is with respect to a residency requirement.

Indeed, divorce is not like any other breakup. It is a serious issue that requires the parties involved to be very sure of what they are getting themselves into. Especially for the one who seeks to file it. It’s not easy to separate from someone that you have lived with for years. For this reason, you must try to exhaust every other channel to see whether you can get a solution for the problems you are facing before you file for divorce.

The processes involved require you to be highly knowledgeable of what lies ahead. Once you have the information you need, you should be able to move forward. The most important thing is to find a good attorney who can guide you on all the steps you will have to follow and also the necessary things you should have. With this, you will be ready to navigate through the divorce proceedings ahead.

Hire a Top Local Divorce Attorney

Filing for divorce in Colorado is not an easy thing. It is an emotionally draining process that one should be prepared for. Apart from the psychological turmoil that you are likely to go through, you have to deal with tedious logistical and legal processes. This is what makes filing for divorce a tough experience for most people. However, if you are well informed on the steps you should take, you will be able to navigate through the process well.

Our Colorado Springs family attorneys have decades of experience handling divorce cases and are here to get you through these difficult times. Contact us today for a 100% confidential consultation.

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