Uncontested Divorce In Colorado May 02, 2022
When neither spouse disputes a divorce decree, this is then considered an uncontested divorce in Colorado. When choosing to file for an uncontested divorce, a married couple agrees on the terms of the divorce and chooses to streamline the court proceedings saving themselves stress, time, and money. Table of Contents Do you qualify for an uncontested divorce in Colorado? How…
Divorce vs. Annulment April 25, 2022
Divorce Vs Annulment: What Are The Differences? From a shallow perspective, both divorce and annulment serve the same basic purpose of dissolving a marriage. However, when you dig deeper, you understand that these are essentially very different from each other. Whereas when a couple gets a divorce, they’re known as formerly married, annulment puts an end to marriage as if…
How Is Property Divided In A Divorce In Colorado? April 18, 2022
Handling the division of a family’s property during a divorce settlement can be difficult in any state. Deciding which spouse should get which property can be an arduous process, and there is no guarantee that things will go amicably. There are many different types of property that can factor into divorce proceedings, including real estate, retirement and pension…
What Questions To Ask Divorce Lawyers? April 11, 2022
The process of seeking a divorce can be very stressful and conflicting. Even people who are happy to get away from a dissenting spouse and move on with their life will find the ordeal of a divorce to be very overwhelming. When you are going to an initial meeting with your divorce lawyer, you may feel very confused and out…
2021 Military Divorce Guide April 04, 2022
Military life can be very hard on a family and it is a sad reality that military marriages are more likely to end in divorce than traditional marriages because the couple is forced to spend several months, and often, years apart from each other. However, regardless of how common they are, military divorces can get pretty complicated especially…
Is It Worth Getting A Lawyer For Child Support? March 28, 2022
A divorce is never an easy option. In many cases, it might be the only option or a decision that you have to take for the sake of your mental wellbeing and certain other factors, and we completely understand that. However, the moment it may become a long process for you is right when you have kids involved. Let’s discuss…