What are the Grounds for Divorce in Tennessee? March 15, 2023
What Are “Grounds for Divorce”? From the court’s standpoint, marriage is a legal agreement between two individuals with ramifications impacting everything from taxes and real estate to support and child custody. A divorce terminates that agreement, allowing the individuals to continue their lives independently. Sometimes, it is necessary to allege one or more grounds for divorce and assess…
Tips for Divorcing a Narcissist March 12, 2023
Why is It So Challenging to Divorce a Narcissist? Living with a narcissist can be a terrible ordeal. Narcissistic abuse and gaslighting may harm your self-esteem and leave you with PTSD, anxiety, and other mental health issues. While removing yourself from the narcissist is crucial, getting a divorce from them can be highly difficult and emotionally draining. Having…
Does a Military Spouse Keep Benefits After Divorce? January 12, 2023
The divorce process can be emotionally and financially difficult, regardless of the circumstances. However, when the divorce involves a military service member, it can become even more complex because many more rules and unique situations apply to these cases that are not encountered during a civilian divorce. If you are in the process of separating from a US…
How To Prepare For Divorce? May 23, 2022
How to prepare for divorce? Is one of the first questions you will ask yourself if you are thinking about getting about this matter. When divorce comes into your life, it turns your life upside down. First of all, as hard as it might seem, you have to start thinking about yourself and your responsibilities. Today most modern women…
What Should I Do Before Filing For Divorce In Colorado? May 16, 2022
If you are filing for divorce in Colorado, either you or your spouse must have been an inhabitant for at least 3 months before the start of the divorce procedures. However, you should have shown the intention of making Colorado a permanent home to be able to file for divorce in the state. If you produce an income tax return…
How Much Does A Divorce Lawyer Cost In Colorado? May 09, 2022
If your marriage is coming to an end, you are likely to ask yourself a question like “How much will the divorce cost in Colorado?” The response to this question will rely on several varying factors, such as whether you’ll need to hire a lawyer. However, if so, how much will a divorce lawyer cost in Colorado? Considering…