How Can You Streamline the Probate Process in Tennessee for a Smoother Transition? February 10, 2024
How Could Careful Planning For the Probate Process Benefit Your Loved Ones? Probate is the process of identifying the assets of an estate, paying outstanding debts, and distributing the remaining assets to beneficiaries or heirs. The process effectively freezes the assets of an estate until an in-depth review of the situation can be made by the executor and…
What are the Major Considerations When Updating Your Will After a Divorce in Colorado? January 23, 2024
How Can a Divorce Alter Your Estate Plans? Divorce is an often complicated legal procedure. As the couple disentangles their life, they must make decisions about custody arrangements, the division of assets, and other key issues. However, one aspect of the divorce process that may get overlooked is the impact of the split on the couple’s estate plans….
Probate Lawyers in Nashville, TN December 29, 2023
Offering Clients Probate Administration Help If a loved one passed away and you have questions about how to handle their assets, you will need legal guidance from experienced Probate Lawyers in Nashville, TN. Probate law is complex and can lead to different results depending on whether the decedent had a will, so it’s important to get legal advice before…
Wills Attorneys in Colorado Springs, CO December 29, 2023
Offering Legal Guidance As You Plan for Your Future As you think about the future, one detail you might consider is how to ensure your loved ones get the items you want them to have when you’re no longer here. This is especially important if you own valuable assets that will benefit your family. Fortunately, writing a last…
The Importance of an Advance Directive for Health Care in Tennessee December 17, 2023
What is an Advance Directive and Why is it Valuable? On May 9th, 2017, the State of Tennessee implemented an updated Advance Directive for Health Care form, which combines the information typically included in a living will and a health care power of attorney and eliminates the need for these separate documents. This new form simplifies the process of outlining…
How to File for Emergency Custody in Tennessee October 10, 2023
What is the Process for Obtaining Emergency Custody in Tennessee? Co-parenting during divorce proceedings or after a divorce has been finalized is often a challenging balancing act that can be emotionally draining. Disagreements over what actions are in your child’s best interests are not uncommon and often require mediation or a ruling from the court to resolve. But…