
When Should You Consult A Divorce Lawyer? May 17, 2021

If you’re contemplating getting a divorce, you might be overwhelmed with the amount of information available to you on the internet. It’s not surprising that in today’s internet-driven world there are thousands of self-help websites, blogs, and legal advice sites available to you. But what happens if you get the wrong advice and make mistakes when filing your…

What To Expect At A Child Support Hearing In Colorado May 10, 2021

One of the most stressful aspects of any disagreement between parents, whether they are divorcing, separating, or were never married in the first place, is sorting out a child custody schedule and a parenting plan. When you add child support to the mix, things can get even worse. It’s important to know what to expect at a child…

What Is A Collaborative Divorce? May 03, 2021

Going through a divorce is not an easy time for most people. The divorce process can be expensive, people will have challenges, and there can be a lot of contentions. Despite what is displayed on TV about how eventful and full of drama a divorce can be most divorce cases do not escalate to that level. Even so, it doesn’t…

How Do I Prepare For Child Support Court In Colorado? April 26, 2021

An important matter for family law courts in a divorce or child custody matter is child support, or the cost of raising the kids until they are eighteen, or otherwise emancipated. In Colorado, child support is a right of every child; therefore, the courts might not recognize a child support agreement between the parents concerning collecting child support, if it’s significantly…

What Is A Cooperative Divorce? April 19, 2021

The divorce process that many are familiar with is the traditional divorce, which is an adversarial process. Most divorce cases are resolved by a negotiated agreement between the divorcing parties; however, if parties can’t reach a settlement agreement in family law issues using the traditional divorce, then the divorcing spouses must go to family law court and present their cases…

Child Visitation Rights During The Holidays April 12, 2021

Child custody and visitation rights are frequently one of the messiest and most stressful parts of divorce proceedings. With each parent fighting for what they feel is best, it is easy for disputes regarding child visitation rights during the holidays to cause bad blood. It is in your best interest to fully understand your visitation rights and to work with your ex-spouse to develop…

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If you find yourself wondering what your legal options are in your Tennessee or Colorado family law matter, please don’t hesitate to contact us. During our initial consultation, we will quickly address your legal questions and decide on the best way to protect your interests, as well as those of your children.