How Can A Divorce Affect Your Retirement Account? June 28, 2021
When you and your spouse divorce, the property you shared as a couple is also divided between the two of you. This not only applies to physical property, such as cars and homes, but also to financial assets. One of the biggest financial concerns during this time is “will a divorce affect your retirement account?” According to Colorado…
How Do You Enforce Child Support Orders In Colorado? June 21, 2021
Parents who fall behind on child support payments accumulate child support arrearages and your payment status becomes “in arrears,” which may cause a court investigation. No matter the reason, if you aren’t paying court-ordered child support, you’ll most likely receive a notice in the mail asking you to appear in front of a family court judge to explain…
Questions To Ask A Child Support Lawyer June 14, 2021
It is important to find an attorney that is not only a good fit but one who knows what they are doing. Child support payments are a crucial matter and it is important that you have a lawyer by your side to help represent your interest. Before you decide on who to represent your case in Superior Court you should…
Colorado Divorce Checklist June 07, 2021
Spouses going through a divorce in Colorado face many life-changing challenges. Brighter Day℠ Law, our divorce lawyers focus on representing couples during the divorce process. We give these couples a better understanding of how the dissolution of marriage laws in Colorado affects them and their families. The best way to navigate a divorce is to educate yourself about the process,…
Do I Have To Go To Court For An Uncontested Divorce? May 31, 2021
Although divorce cases can be expensive for all parties, not all divorces are equal. Some divorces are smoother, both financially and emotionally; while others are very contentious, including a contested divorce. An uncontested divorce is a best-case scenario. In Colorado Springs, the divorce process is much simpler for parties who agree on their divorce terms. The uncontested divorce cases result…
Common Reasons For Divorce May 24, 2021
According to research, approximately 40 – 50% of all first-time married couples end in divorce or legal separation and around 60- 65% of second-time marriages end the same way. Even though divorce is a part of life over the recent fifty years divorce rates are higher. Even so, there have been changes in laws that have made getting…