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How To File For Child Support In El Paso County Colorado? February 07, 2022


Child support is an issue that no parent ever wants to face. Fighting for the safety and wellbeing of a child requires the legal guidance of an experienced family lawyer. Let’s look more at how to file for child support in El Paso County Colorado.

Child Support

If you have decided on getting a divorce in Colorado Springs, you might be wondering about the El Paso child support orders and how it works. Even if you already have an order in place and want a modification, you should be aware of how to file for child support modification and if you are eligible for it or not. To help you with the process, we have gathered all the information you may require if you are a part of this. Go through them and see how you can make your situation better. Additionally, do not forget to consult with us first because every case is different, and you would want the guidance of experienced attorneys before moving forward.

How is Child Support Calculated?

The first query that may come to anyone’s mind is how the court will calculate the amount. Every state has a slightly different rule pertaining to this. As for Colorado, the child support amount is calculated based on the gross salary of both parents. It is not necessary that the non-custodial parent will pay the child support. The amount will be determined while keeping in mind how much both parents are earning or are capable of attaining.


What is Included in Child Support?

El Paso child support is all about prioritizing the interests of the child. Therefore, when child support is being calculated, it involves all the child’s expenses while living with the custodial parent. These include child care, insurance, medical expenses, college fee, travel-related costs, and any other privilege that the child was benefitting from before the divorce.

Can You Modify Child Support?

To give you a straight answer, yes. You can file for a modification with the help of a lawyer. However, you need to keep in mind that you cannot do it regularly. Firstly, there is a statute of limitations in place for filing modifications. Secondly, even if you want to, there is no guarantee that it will be approved.

To make things easier for you, the court has already set a limit. According to the law, a child support modification is only considered if it will result in a 10% change in the original amount decided for the kid. Keep in mind that a 10% change in the support amount will not necessarily occur if there is a 10% increase or decrease in one parent’s income. All these factors need to be taken care of before applying. Hence, you should consult with a child support lawyer in Colorado Springs first who can guide you better about your eligibility to modify support payments.

Who can Request a Modification?

When understanding how to file for child support, you should know that either parent can file for it. It is the case because both the parents are responsible for it too. You may want to file for a modification as a custodial parent because of an increase in the other parent’s income or a decrease in your own. The same applies to the non-custodial parent.  Additionally, you can also file for a temporary or permanent modification if there is a change in the child’s expenses.

Child Support Services

Lastly, for those custodial parents who are not on great terms with the other parent, and are causing complications in the payments, you can always seek child support services. It can also help you if the other parent has ghosted you, affecting your child’s well-being since you are not receiving payments.

Please consult with one of our experienced El Paso County family attorneys today to see which step will suit your situation better. We are here to help you file for child support in Colorado!

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